1. Hand-tied Bouquet: A hand-tied bouquet is a classic and timeless choice for a bride. It is a bouquet of flowers that are gathered together and tied with a ribbon or string. Bridal Bouquets
2. Cascade Bouquet: A cascade bouquet is a dramatic and elegant choice for a bride. It is a bouquet of flowers that are arranged in a cascading pattern, with the flowers spilling out of the bouquet.
3. Posy Bouquet: A posy bouquet is a small, round bouquet of flowers that is perfect for a bride who wants a more delicate and romantic look.
4. Nosegay Bouquet: A nosegay bouquet is a small, round bouquet of flowers that is perfect for a bride who wants a more traditional look.
5. Biedermeier Bouquet: A biedermeier bouquet is a large, round bouquet of flowers that is perfect for a bride who wants a more dramatic and luxurious look.
6. Shower Bouquet: A shower bouquet is a large, round bouquet of flowers that is perfect for a bride who wants a more modern and contemporar